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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 366

  • Volunteers Week

    Evidently it is volunteers week - an opportunity to celebrate those who give of their time, ability and energy for a whole range of organisations and causes.  I have to confess until I saw a mention elsewhere, I was totally unaware of it.

    Now I know, it gives me the opporutnity to say THANK YOU to the countless volunteers who make Church possible.  In no particlular order...

    • Sunday School leaders
    • Creche workers
    • Flower arrangers
    • Tea makers
    • Welcome stewards
    • Hymnbook stewards
    • PA riggers
    • Service recorders
    • Chair putters out and in
    • Heating setters
    • Rota arrangers
    • Bible readers
    • Prayer leaders
    • Choir singers
    • Piano (and other instrument) players
    • Noticeboard fillers (and clearers)
    • Bookings takers
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer (acting or otherwise!)
    • Finance recorders
    • Banking facilitators
    • Gift Aid claimers
    • Trustee managers
    • Development project steerers
    • Funding raisers
    • Offering counters
    • Coffee buyers
    • Notice printers
    • Magazine editors and contributors
    • Event planners
    • Pastoral carers
    • Outing planners
    • Lift givers
    • Small group facilitators
    • Banner hangers
    • Ice cube freezers
    • Communion setters up
    • Candle buyers
    • Evening service leaders
    • Flower tub gardeners
    • Litter pickers
    • Steps sweepers
    • Hymn book repairers
    • Minute takers
    • Sandwich makers
    • And whoever else I have inevitably forgotten along the way

    If I missed you and you are reading this - I apologise.

    Whoever you are, and whatever you do THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

  • David Goodbourn - A Memorial

    David Goodbourn was known to many people I know, and I think I probably met him once or twice when he was at Luther King House in Manchester.  Certainly he and I knew a lot of the same people from the same churches/colleges even if we didn't know each other.

    On Saturday June 6th a memorial service for David will be held at Bloomsbury Baptist Church, London.  From Sunday 7th a little book of his last sermons and articles will become available (see photo above nicked from social media).

    David's final sermon was for Remembrance Sunday last year - and was delivered posthumously by one of my former college tutors.  It seems fitting that his last words are recorded and offered to a wider audience in memory of him.

  • Not the Trinity

    After preaching on the Trinity annually for at least a decade, I needed a change!  The thought of yet another Trinity sermon filled me with dread, so it really wasn't a goer (just how many ways can one explain the unexplainable and avoid the worst heresies at the same time?).

    Instead I opted for two pairs of metaphors found in the Old Testament and briefly reflected on each.

    So we began with the inanimate "rock and refuge" and the concept of God as a passive presence, offering shelter and security provided we choose to come inside.

    Then we looked at God as "midwife and mother" with the mind-blowing idea that we are conceived in/by God who also brings us to birth kepeing us safe.

    Lastly we noted some similarities - of safety, protection, security, ever-presence - which led to Jesus' image of the hen with her chicks - or the picture I'd found of the swan with her cygnets.

    It seemed to go OK, and I had some encouraging feedback.  This evening I will listen to someone else tackle Trinity :)

  • Kitty Cat Tales...

    Sophie and Sasha - a delightful pair of kitties who bring a lot of smiles, laughs and joy into my life.

    As you can see, Sophie is wearing the dreaded vetinary lampshade... after weeks of less drastic measures, oodles of drugs and potions, her sore side is still sore.  Despite this she remains remarkably cheerful, sunbathing when the weather allows, snoozing in chairs and now and then coming to see the hu-being for nuzzles and snuggles.

    Sasha remains full of beans and loves nothing more than hurtling at full speed around the house.  At night she is known to settle down on the hu-being's hip and sleep there - thus pinning the hu-being on her side for hours on end!

    Today all the house plants were moved to church in the latest attempt to remove potential allergens... thus far the cause of Sophie's sore side remains a mystery.

    Like Holly before them, these girlies have quite an online fan-club, so it felt about time for another photo... even if it happens to have me in the corner!!

  • All Change!

    It's not just me/us that have been shifting around this week.  Just down the road at Western Infirmary Glasgow the last emergency ambulances have been and gone as the A&E closed at 8 a.m. this morning.

    At 9 a.m. the new West Glasgow Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) opened and will operate a twelve hour 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. service for roughly sixteen weeks.

    In October, the MIU and all outpatient services will decamp to what is currently the children's hospital at Yorkhill (when it will have closed and moved to the new Royal Hopsital for Sick Children).

    Then at some point in 2016, the MIU and outpatient services will join with some of the surgical (and medical?) services at what is currently Gartnaval General Hospital.

    That sounds like a horrendous cycle of packing, unpacking, disorientating, reorientating and so forth.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all the hospital staff managing that transition.

    You can read more here