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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 412

  • Preaching is...

    Yesterday I attended a kind of masterclass thingy on preaching... some top class speakers but an abyssmal turn-out meant two workshops were cancelled, including the one I wanted to attend (wish they'd done a straw poll to see which were most popular and dropped the two least rather than two people simply dropping themselves, c'est la vie).

    One of the sessions invited us to reflect on what we think preaching is - it's aim and purposes - as well as its style and content.  A useful reminder, if pretty basic stuff.

    Today I split our sermon slot into three bits, each a reflection in its own right arising from questions Jesus was asked in the days leading up to his execution... on taxes, on resurrection and on the Law.  We used some objects which people could take away, some images and quite a few words, spoken and sung.  It seemed to go OK.

    This evening I'm actively not preaching, I'm reflecting on One World Week and using some interactive stuff as a prayer/response.

    What is preaching?  I guess for me it is 'breaking the Word' as we use words to seek after the WORD.  It is open-minded, open-hearted, somehow playful engagement with ancient texts whose dynamism and vitality can inform, transform and re-from faith and life in the here and now.  It is always partial, always provisional, always of necessity a bit tentative.

    I've had some fun this week and again today... and I hope it has had some resonance for others too.

  • It'll Be Alright... Privilege and Hope

    Been a busy week, and a good one, so I don't feel too guilty sloping off this afternoon to visit a friend over in the east.  Especially since this could be the last opportunity to do so, and we have 'big stuff' to discuss.

    Last night I baked pink cupcakes for her... she loves pink, I don't, but we both love cake

    We will laugh, and we'll talk, and we may well weep.  And I will reassure her, as I reassure myself, that 'it'll be alright', that hope and love are stronger than dread and despair; that even if I have no idea what heaven looks like, it will be safe and pain free.  That 'all will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well'

    We both find it funny that we found a profound connection, being so utterly different in many ways and yet so alike in others.

    I am privileged to have L as a friend, and when she leaves us, as leave she must, I will miss her.  But when the day comes, I will let her go, knowing that for her, as for me, it'll be alright.

    God bless you L xxx

  • Sorry, Judith, You Didn't Convince...

    Really fun Bible study looking at the Book of Judith today.  Lots of exploration around women in scripture and how they are portrayed... so Deborah and Jael, Ruth and Naomi, Esther and Herodias, each of whose stories has some resonances with that of Judith.

    Issues around flirtation and seduction (have you read these stories!?); questions about whether murder can ever be justified; the discovery of a prayer aksing God to propser someone in a fabric of lies... we had lots of fun and some good conversations.

    We found the reflection interesting and enjoyable, but concluded that whilst we wouldn't totally reject it, Judith would not go on our 'top' metaphorical shelf where we put our extended canon!

  • Recycle, Re-use, Re-create...


    In the absence of much to go on (website still says "watch this space") Sunday's OWW service will include an interactive element, to which the above is a fairly sizeable clue!

    After two hours of experimenting this seems a workable solution!  About another hour of work to do, then I dare to think that bit is done!!

  • A Hymn for Today

    Sometimes I find hymns, songs, choruses, chants, etc. popping into my consciousness, and today as I looked out of my window at a 'glory in grey' sky this one came to mind...

    1  Today I awake
        and God is before me  
        at night, as I dreamt,
        he summoned the day;
        for God never sleeps
        but patterns the morning
        with slithers of gold  
        or glory in grey.

    2  Today I arise
        and Christ is beside me.
        He walked through the dark
        to scatter new light.
        Yes, Christ is alive,
        and beckons his people
        to hope and to heal,
        resist and invite.

    3  Today I affirm
        the Spirit within me
        at worship and work,
        in struggle and rest.
        The Spirit inspires
        all life which is changing
        from fearing to faith,
        from broken to blest.

    4  Today I enjoy
        the Trinity round me,
        above and beneath,
        before and behind;
        the Maker, the Son,
        the Spirit together -
        they called me to life
        and call me their friend.

    John L Bell (born 1949) and Graham Maule (born 1958) © 1989 WGRG, Iona Community