Yesterday morning I was at a consultation/training type thng looking at proposed changes in the way charities report to OSCR in order to improve accountability and transparency. It all seemed a bit of a no-brainer to me (and to most people there) but it's good that there has been a consultation process rather than simply implementation 'from on high'. I do feel that Scotland is better at this, overall, than the equivalent bodies for other parts of the UK. Some of that has to be about size/scale but I am sure there are things that could be scaled up by a factor of ten and still be workable.
Yesterday afternoon I was happily exploring the Book of Judith; this morning I've been thinking about midweek reflections/worship/prayers for the first half of 2015, ranging from Mindfulness to Ignatian to a Lent Study to Compline. Later I have to write a talk from the Friday afternoon 'gospel meeting' style group. And all of that is good, too - contextual and diverse, reflecting the constituency we serve. Good job I have catholic tastes in spiritual expression!
In between times, I've been doing some admin, some general planning, clearing the actions I picked up at various meetings and preparing for some pastoral responsibilties. All in all, it's proving rewarding and serves to remind me why I love this church so much. It's never dull, and usually it's fun.