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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 763

  • God Knows - a Famous Poem in Full

    HT Angela for this one which moves us from the (rightly) truncated form used by George VI at the start of war to a version more fitting for life as we experience it now (copyright unknown, formatting as per web so may be inaccurate)...


    God Knows

    I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year,

    "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown."

    And he replied, "Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God.

    That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way."


    So I went forth,

    And finding the hand of God,

    Trod gladly into the night.

    He led me towards the hills

    And the breaking of day in the lone east.

    So heart be still!

    What need our human life to know

    If God hath comprehension?

    In all the dizzy strife of things,

    Both high and low,

    God hideth his intention.


    God knows. His will

    Is best. The stretch of years

    Which wind ahead, so dim

    To our imperfect vision,

    Are clear to God. Our fears

    Are premature. In Him

    All time hath full provision.

    Then rest; until

    God moves to lift the veil

    From our impatient eyes,

    When, as the sweeter features

    Of life's stern face we hail,

    Fair beyond all surmise,

    God's thought around His creatures

    Our minds shall fill.

    Minnie Haskins, sourced from here


  • Happy New Year!

    Barring the worst/best efforts of St Eroid, I will tucked up in bed as 2010 ends and 2011 begins, so this is advance posted.

    I hope and I pray that 2011 will be a good one for you, characterised by

    • fullness of life
    • unconditional love
    • belly laughs
    • unquenchable faith
    • tenacious hope
    • irrepressible joy
    • loyal friends and relations

    None of us knows what shape 2011 will take, but we can be assured that the Triune God will share it with us, blessing us in surprising ways and refusing to be defined by our understanding or expectations.  May that God bless you all... and a big e-hug from me!

  • Summit!

    mt chemo.jpgOne flag designed by me!

    Summit reached circa 1 p.m. today.

    I dunnit.  You helped.  Interweb supplied free clipart.

  • The Final Bend!

    In a couple of hours time I head off to the hospital for my final dose of neoadjuvant chemo - hurrah!  I am feeling slightly demob happy this morning even though it's all really rather serious stuff and there are still three weeks of being good ahead of me - the summit of mount chemo is a long plateau not a peak.

    As with real walks that involve long hill climbs, I am feeling the exertion and am quite tired, probably exacerbated by the fact that having finished work there is no need to be lively.  But, also like real walks, when I know I'm on the last bit, at least of this stage, I find inner reserves to yomp to the finish line (a real pain for those I walk whose internal-psychology works differently).

    I have a box of fancy biccies to replenish the patients' supplies and some posh chocs (well as posh as Waitrose sell!) for the nurses who have been so wonderful, especially D, P and W who have overseen my treatment directly.

    Whilst it will be a bit strange not having to go there every three weeks, I can't say I'll miss it!  No more oncologist appointments until after surgery so a bit of a break in prospect.

    So, by the end of today I will - barring last minute disasters (once a risk assessor always a risk assessor) - I will be on top of mount chemo... all of which sounds like a cue for a song:


    On top of Mount Chemo

    (I still can't eat cheese)

    My tumour's much smaller

    Th'oncologist's pleased.


    The last set of steroids

    That disrupt my sleep

    And miscellaneous tablets

    To help keep me fit


    Farewell to the blood tests -

    At least for a while.

    And no more hill-climbing

    With puddles and stiles!


    Now it's on to the forest

    So dark and so deep

    But not for a few weeks

    Til this phase is complete


    So thank you Creator

    And thank you my friends

    For climbing it with me

    Around all the bends


    And as I move forward

    To places still new

    I know that, together,

    We'll see this thing through.


    My poetry's lousy

    The rhymes are contrived

    But I got up Mount Chemo

    And more than survived!


  • My End of Year Blog Awards!

    The end of the year is a time when people give away awards for various things, so here are my blog awards for 2010 - not to be taken too seriously!

    Best New Blog: Thinking Mission which does what is says on the tin at many levels.  A thoughtful and thought provoking blog which I have enjoyed greatly.

    Best Redivivus Blog: Beaker Folk of Husbourne Crawley which makes me laugh, makes me think and confuses some of my friends!

    Best Blog by a Spice: Tracing Rainbows which combines everyday life, recipes, craft ideas and good humour.  Also almost as plethoric a blogger as me!

    Best Prolific Blogger: Living Wittily quite how Jim finds the time to read so widely and reflect so effectively quite so early and quite so often is beyond my ken!

    No trophies, no cheques, no marching bands, no razz-a-matazz just thank you (and all the other bloggers whose stuff I read) for keeping me entertained and making me continue to think.