A lovely weekend, glorious weather, great company, tasty food... altogether good fun. Just a shame my visitors took the sun back south with them! At least the rain means the reservoirs stay full.
Our guest preacher once again delivered. In that way that defied explanation or comprehension, she had chosen to preach on Psalm 23 and Romans 8, and the love of God from which nothing can separate us, not even death or disaster, in a week when a loved friend of the church had died suddenly. She will be a real blessing to the church with the wisdom to call her.
I am now, slowly, starting to crank myself back into gear for my return to work at Easter. My spare room is full of props for Easter Sunday worship (the arrival of Home Bargains at the nearby retail park means a new source of ideal tat! Am I the only minister who mourns the passing of Woollies in this respect?). I am really, really looking forward to being back 'where I belong' and what better day to be there than Resurrection Day?
I woke up this morning realising that I had not come up with service titles for the first month back, indeed I had not even given more than the most cursory thought to it. Fortunately a few ideas gelled and I now have a set of suitably vague titles!! Will we be the only city church marking Rogation Sunday I wonder?!
Today is, for the second week of asking, my 'last day of freedom' before radiotherapy. If they don't start it this week, or if they mess me about, they will see that I can get cross. Last week in conversation with a very old friend, who has once or twice seen me angry, I said that I had been practising my scowls... something which will evidently scare anyone! Stepping stones, here I come.