It was a good few days away (and a few more to come as I head south tomorrow). The location of the lodge on the shores of Loch Linnhe was beautiful, and even on the wettest days (and there were two) it was a delight.
Highlight was the three isles excursion - Mull, Staffa and Iona. Not long on any of them, but nonetheless the great day out. In the course of the day I saw puffins, seals, eagles and dolphins.
The eagles and seals were far too far away to photograph with my simple camera, and the dolphins were there and gone too quickly for me to get my camera out of my bag. But the on Staffa puffins came very close to where people stood and seemed to enjoy posing for a few photos!
Although it poured with rain all the way out, we were kept dry courtesy of the proper oilskins supplied on the small boat that took us out to Staffa and then on to Iona.
I have to admit to being a bit disappointed that now that Iona Abbey is administered by Historic Scotland you have to pay (or in my case produce an English Heritage card) to get in.
Despite all the touristy nature of it, there is still a quiet area where I wanted to go to be still and remember before God quite a few people - some I know in the real world, some I know only on line and some I met fleetingly this week.
As I lit some candles and began to name names, the sound of singing filled the air:
Put peace into each other's hands
and like a treasure hold it,
protect it like a candle-flame,
with tenderness enfold it.
Put peace into each other's hands
with loving expectation;
be gentle in your words and ways,
in touch with God's creation.
Put peace into each other's hands
like bread we break for sharing;
look people warmly in the eye:
our life is meant for caring.
As at communion, shape your hands
into a waiting cradle;
the gift of Christ receive, revere,
united round the table.
Put Christ into each other's hands,
he is love's deepest measure;
in love make peace, give peace a chance
and share it like a treasure.
Fred Kaan (1929-2009) © 1989 Stainer & Bell Ltd
As I looked up the words today I found these addition verses as a "Permitted variant":
Give thanks for strong-yet tender- hands,
held out in trust and blessing.
Where words fall short, let hands speak out,
the heights of love expressing.
Reach out in friendship, stay with faith
in touch with those around you.
Put peace into each other's hands:
the Peace that sought and found you.
They seem
quite apposite too.
At the risk of being a Pharisee on the a street corner, the candles I lit (a few of the many on this stand) are for
A and her family
GI Jane
Perpetua and C and J and R who are long term survivors
Remembering with gratitude R and G and J and Bad Fairy who go before us all.
Grace, peace, hope and love be yours.