It has been a long week, characterised by some moments of deep sadness as well as some of great joy. It was, therefore, with some degree of trepidation that I set off this morning for a half day of Trustees' Training. Maybe sometimes trepidation is good, because the only way from there is to a more positive state (I think... if worst fears are realised then that must be a kind of status quo?). It was a good day, a very good day, covering a lot of ground in a way that showed a lightness of touch and a deep understanding of what a faith community is.
After the training day, I nipped down to the shops to pick up a copy of the Glasgow Evening Times, which had an article featuring friends of mine who are participating in the Glasgow Race for Life next month. As I left the check out, I spotted a woman, aged around middle sixties I suppose, who was collecting for Breast Cancer Campaign. I smiled, and dropped a couple of coins in her buckets mumbling, "glad to help, I'm a 'survivor'" (even though it's not a word I like... my little friend who died of breast cancer this week aged just 27 was not a loser). Quick as a flash she replied, "oh, how long since your diagnosis, you look so well..." which opened up a short conversation about her anxieties, and allowed me to offer her some support. She said 'but you're too young...' I smiled, wryly, and said, "not compared to the girl who died..." And then we hugged and went our separate ways. I'd like to think that somewhere in that encounter was something of God.
This is all rather rambling and probably does not go anywhere much, but today had felt good in so many ways. For that I am truly thankful.