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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 526

  • Count Yopur Blessings: Day 43


    Child marriage often leads to early childbirth, the leading killer of adolescent girls in Africa.

    Pray for safety for all the young girls in the world who will give birth today.



    Poor people sometimes have to spend most of their money on food. If food gets more expensive, they can’t afford to buy more and might have to go hungry. If you usually buy snacks as a treat, why not buy something smaller today and give the change to Christian Aid?

    One of the things that shocked and horried me as I read some social media responses to the recent Comic relief appeal, with its footage from Africa, was that some people in the UK still feel at liberty to say "they should stopped foom breeding".  Such comments riase my blood temeprature and pressure more than somewhat.  It is undoubtedly the case that access to safe, reliable contraception has the potential to save lives.  But the correlation between access to safe reliable contraception and reduced numbers of young women becoming pregnant is far from proven, as statisitcs for the UK illustrate all too plainly.

    I don't have the time or energy to formulate a proper reflection on this, but it seems to me that physical and emotional poverty are both factors that lead to young women becoming mothers at a very young age, irrespective of where in the world they live.  Whilst teenage mothers in the UK have access to world class care, not all access it, and tragedies will occur.  I don't think it's even as simple as questions of 'choice'.  Just self-perpetuating cycles of struggle and vulnerability.

    Jesus, son of Mary

    A young mother, not yet wed,

    You know fine well how risky it is for a pubescent girl to carry a child

    You know the shrieks of pain and the mess of blood and water that accompany childbirth beyond our sterile western world

    You know the risk of infection to mother and child as she delivers in poverty, without access to clean water or warm blankets, never mind medical care

    You know the young womwn who, today, in Africa, in Britain, and throughout the world, who will this day enter the travail of childbirth...

    You know that by nightfall some will be enjoying motherhood, while others, at best, cling desperately to life...

    Jesus, son of Mary, son of God, have mercy on them.


    My pledge

    Today - one prayer

    Total - £43.20, eight prayers, some thoughts and one e-petition signed

  • Tuesday of Holy Week

    Two more excellent and thoughtful reflections today.

    At lunchtime, centring on Luke 20:19 - 40, with the title "Death and Taxes" we were invited to ponder rednering unto Caesar, even when we are not entriely sure that Caesar deserves our respect never mind our rendering.

    And in the evning, continuing with John 12, and verses 20-36, we heard of the amazing discovery that seeds from the arctic lupin could germinate after around 10,000 years lodged in permafrost, as a way in to pondering the mystery of the ear of wheat that has to die to achieve its potential and the miracle and mystery of Christ's anticipated resurrection.  Thank you St J R.

  • Count Your Blessings: Day 42


    One in three girls in Niger are married before the age of 15, and 75% are married before the age of 18.

    Give 50p if you have attended a wedding in the last year where the bride and groom were over the age of 18.

    I think this is a single donation irrespective of how many weddings one may have attended.  But as I only went to one, it is just semantics anyway.  A couple in their late twenties or early thirties, who had been together for many years already.  Pretty typical in the UK these days, I guess.

    A number of years back I researched the history of the 'age of consent' in the UK and the variations across the western world in both in 'age of consent' and 'age for marriage'.  We have long since forgotten the debt we owe the Salvation Army who campaigned to bring an age of consent for girls/women... of twelve.  It is comparatively recently that in the west we have increased the age to 14, 15, 16 (and it varies across Europe and North America in that range to this day).  We have forgotten that for the first half of the 20th century, the school leaving age was 14 or 15, with teenagers taking on adult responsibilities sometimes before their bodies reached puberty, and as a result even if they married young, often still virgins.  Now we are about to increase the school leaving age to eighteen, effectively prolonging childhood, at a time when puberty comes earlier, bringing with it its own challenges.  All of this is a very long way of me saying I'm not sure that age is necessarily the best means of expressing the issue here.

    In parts of Africa it is still customary to pay a 'bride price' - one of our Nigerian folk at church recently went home to marry and had to fulfil this obligation, at least notionally.  In the poorest of families, marrying off your daughter will bring in much needed resources, whether cash or livestock, and it is this that motivates early marriage.  Rightly or wrongly, I'm less troubled by the idea of women being married at a young age, than the fact that they become chattels to be exchanged for money, simply to enable the rest of their families to attempt to get by.

    So I'll give my 50p gladly, but I'm not doing so 'just' o grounds of age.

    My pledge

    Today - 50p

    Total - £43.20, seven prayers, some thoughts and one e-petition signed

  • Monday of Holy Week

    Today got the week off to an excellent start with superb lunchtime reflection and evening serivce.

    A dozen people gathered for our lunchtime reflection, entitled "Who Do Your Think You Are?" and derived from Luke 21: 1 - 19 and Jesus' encounter with the Pharisees, skillfully led by one of our folk.

    About double that number (from six churches!) gathered for an evening service based around John 12: 1 - 11 - Mary anointing Jesus at Bethany.  A superb narrative from the perspective of Lazarus, followed by a thoughtful reflection on the way she flouted convention and risked all.

    It's a manic week, at the end of a ludicrous run, and I have to confess that at around 6p.m. I was flagging.  But the evening service left me energised and enthused to continue the journey of Holy Week, so thank you KSM & L Churches for a great evening.

  • Count Your Blessings: Day 41

    (Or if you choose to exclude Sundays from your liturgical count then it's Day 35)


    Children born into poverty are almost twice as likely to die before the age of 5 than those from wealthier families.

    Give 5p for every birthday you have celebrated.

    There was a time when I'd have read this and simply multiplied my age by five and given the money.  There may even have been a fleeting hint of disgruntlement at being 'punished' for living longer.  But then there was a time when I thought that fifty was somehow significant in a negative way, that it signalled the end of 'youth' and moved me officially into "young old age".  And then there was the moment when I questioned the likelihood of seeing 48, though it was only around three months away, and fifty seemed a near impossible dream.  I recently said to someone that my thinking about age had undergone a paradigm shift once the taken-for-granted-ness of another birthday had been shattered.  It's not that I expect anything bad to happen, just the knowledge that life is fragile.  Yesterday I read the news that Bernadette Nolan is now nearing the end of her life, as secondary breast cancer has spread throughout her body... her diagnosis, a few months earlier than mine, was not the same, and I don't draw too many comparisons, but is serves as a reminder of how precious life is, and how easily it is lost.

    Were I to die tomorrow, I would have lived longer, and enjoyed more of the earth's riches and wonder than the majority of people in the world's poorest nations - that's the thought I take from today's challenge.

    I will give 5p for every birthday to 47 - and 10p for each one since, because they are, and always will be, a bonus.

    47 x 5p = £2.35

    3 x 10p = 30p

    Total = £2.65


    My pledge

    Today - £2.65

    Total - £42.70, seven prayers, some thoughts and one e-petition signed