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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 473

  • 'Haphazard by Starlight' - Day 19

    The Visitation

    by Elizabeth Jennings

    She had not held her secret long enough
    To covet it but wished it shared as though
    Telling it would tame the terrifying moment
    When she, most calm in her own afternoon,
          Felt the intrepid angel, heard
    His beating wings, his voice across her prayer.

    This was the thing she needed to impart
    The uncalm moment, the strange interruption,
    The angel bringing pain disguised as joy,
    But mixed with this was something she could share
          And not abandon, simply how
    A child sprang in her like the first of seeds.

    And in the stillness of that other day
    The afternoon exposed its emptiness,
    Shadows adrift from light, the long road turning
    In a dry sequence of the sun. And she
          No apprehensive figure seemed,
    Only a moving silence through the land.

    And all her journeying was a caressing
    Within her mind of secrets to be spoken.
    The simple fact of birth soon overshadowed
    The shadow of the angel. When she came
          Close to her cousin’s house she kept
    Only the message of her happiness.

    And those two women in their quick embrace
    Gazed at each other with looks undisturbed
    By men or miracles. It was the child
    Who laid his shadow on their afternoon
         By stirring suddenly, by bringing
    Back the broad echoes of those beating wings.

  • Alternative Tunes...

    Well, there you go, for my good friend and wise priest Perpetua, 'In the Bleak Midwinter' the Darke tune is the 'usual one'.  So, for her and anyone else who doesn't know it, here is what I thought was the more familiar Holst setting.  Hope you enjoy it.


    PS Around 11 or 12 years ago, on Songs of Praise this carol was sung with alternate verses in each setting - amazingly it worked and sounded fantastic!

  • We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    A lovely time was had, many carols sung, much food consumed, much laughter shared.

    Massive thanks to M for organising, N for accordian playing/providing the keyboard, K for photography and everyone who came along and made it such a fun time


    photo 1.jpg

    Photo (c) Ken Fisher

  • Second Tunes...

    I've just been copying the music for today's carol singing to save me lugging a big fat BPW half way across Glasgow.  In the course of that, I inadvertently copied the 'second tune' to 'O Little Town of Bethlehem', the rather lovely, if rarely used Walford Davies rather than the familiar Vaughn Williams.  I have since 'corrected' my error, but it did remind me, yet again, how much I love so many of the 'second tunes' and how, one day, I 'd love to have a carol service using only these less heard melodies.


    Here are a few for you to enjoy...

    O Little Town of Bethlehem


    In the Bleak Midwinter



    Away in a manger

  • Sing, Eat, Pray

    But first some printing and admin!  Heading churchward in a few minutes to print off the song sheets for today's carol singing by the Coffee Club, then dining with them, then back churchwards to prepare for evening prayer.  A slightly mad, but hopeful, day in prospect.