A couple of online place you may wish to drop off during Advent.
Firstly one from BUGB/Northumbria Community which you can find here a weekly (or thereabouts) offering professionally produced. Easy listening audio with a thoughtful edge.
Then there is a more collaborative blog option, the brainchild of Andy Goodliff with various people offering thoughts for most days of Advent. Having run for a few years there is a sense that maybe some contributors are growing tired and opting out, but there are 'sign-ups' for most days at Hopeful Imagination (here) including rather a lot of December born Baptists!
If you happen to be in our neck of the woods, next week we begin a series of four lunch time reflections on Thursdays at 12:30 - with a simple lunch to share - based on the Magnet resource The Promise of Advent.
Hopefully something for most people in there somewhere