Because of how Christmas falls this year, this is the end of the last full week of Advent. It sees me busily preparing the last parts of the services that spread over Sunday/Monday/Tuesday and the perennial challenge of not 'peaking' too soon.
Today I am mindful that for some people this Christmas, indeed, every Christmas, is difficult and painful. The list is long, and risks omitting circumstances that affect my gracious readers... bereavement, illness, relationship breakdown, redundancy, loss of home, loss of status, loss of certainty, even loss of identity or loss of faith.
I think I want to pause, before the final flurry of celebration to remember those for whom this will not be the Christmas they long for, and may never again experience. I want to pray for them, that joy, peace, hope and love will be experienced afresh, and the future be brighter...
Jesus said, blessed are those who mourn, they will be comforted...
It's nearly Christmas time, God of love
When joy overflows in merriment and celebration
When we hope plays out in wishes expressed
When peace once more seems a goal worth pursuing
It's nearly Christmas time, God of love
When empty places at tables recall loved ones no longer here
When televised jollity rings hollow in a lonely room
When bitterness and envy creep like ivy around the hearts of the unwary
When out of sight probably does mean out of mind
It's nearly Christmas time, God of love
So help me to pause
To remember with gratitude the absent friends
To remember with compassion those who grieve
To remember with hope the mystery of Christ's incarnation
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
God's merrcies never end
They are renewed every morning
So great is God's faithfulness
God of Christmas time, enfold all with your love
And bring faith, hope, love, joy and peace
Again and anew