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A Skinny Fairtrade Latte in the Food Court of Life - Page 5

  • Squirrel Wisdom...

    I was looking for poems for today's session exploring sacraments/ordinances.  I stumbled across this one, which I like, and, I think, fits quite well with an 'everything is sacred' (hyper-Aquinas =  hypo-Zwingli, everything meets around the back) perspective.  Anyway, I like squirrels, and once, a very long time ago, was blessed by an angel in the form of a squirrel with an injured tail.


    The Sacraments (attributed to Francis of Assisi)


    I once spoke to my friend, an old squirrel, about the Sacraments —
    he got so excited.

    and ran into a hallow in his tree and came
    back holding some acorns, an owl feather,
    and a ribbon he found.

    And I just smiled and said, “Yes dear,
    you understand:

    Everything imparts His grace.



    photo - legitimate free download from here 

  • Ten Years!

    Ten years ago today, two skinny, terrified cats came into my life.

    The Clepto Kitties continue to bring much love, joy and fun into my life, though they are now senior cats, and Sasha is decidedly chonky!
    Sasha has outlived a ‘two year’ prognosis of a significant health condition by at least seven years; Sophie is awaiting advice for further medical tests after a worrying period of illness.
    I am very grateful to Cats Protection (Glasgow Branch) who rescued them from a terrible life of endless kitten-bearing, to ‘Auntie Audrey’ and ‘Auntie Jessica’ in Glasgow and to ‘Auntie Jenna’ in Nantwich who have been their main vets (and to PetPlan who have covered a lot of care). And how could we forget their beloved Auntie J, their Glasgow cat sitter.
    Happy Gotcha Day Clepto Kitties!!


  • Deaf Awareness

    The photo has nothing to do with the theme, beyond the fact that our residential weekend took place at the 'Vicar School' as the venue we usually go to wasn't available.

    Our theme was deaf awareness, and was led by a deaf minister accompanied by a hearing ally.  It was a really full and thought-provoking weekend, greatly appreciated by all who took part in it.

    The highlight was definitely the closing Communion, which was entirely in BSL with nothing spoken and no music.  Watching the signs (and being able to follow the English translation on screen) was beautiful and meaningful, especially as it has been a weekend of so many, many words.

    I feel very privileged to be part of this community which is committed to learning with and from each other.

  • Auld Claes 'n' Parritch

    My mum always used to say at the end of the school holidays we were back to 'old clothes and porridge' which was her anglified version of the Scottish expression 'auld claes 'n' parrtich'.

    So today is just that.  Back at my desk after two very relaxed weeks, good boundary ,and recharging my introverted batteries.

    I have had a truly wonderful holiday, all by myself, apart from two visits to friends for meals.  I have eaten way too much, exercised way to little, been to the cinema and the theatre (panto), made jigsaws, tidied rooms, got up late (by my standards) listened to audio books, snuggled with kitties, taken very few trains (and only for leisure) and almost detached myself from thinking about work,

    Now it's back to work, and a lot to do in a full first week back at the desk.  Looking forward to what the days ahead bring... and replete with posh porridge as illustrated above!

  • French no more, Gaelic no more, Cymraeg no more... 2000 days and no more!

    In 2019 I started using Duolingo to brush up my French ahead of an overseas mission trip with out teenagers we had planned for 2020... it never happened as the world changed, but I plodded on, adding in a smattering of Greek, Gaelic and German as well as a few months of Welsh, and a hurtle through the 'math' (arithmetic).  Now, having kept on almost everyday and completing 2000 active days, I have cancelled my subscription and am going to look for a new challenge going forward.  I'm not sure what yet - a break from the relentless daily translation of useless sentences is definitely in order.